I'm posting evidence that I am an obedient daughter. The first picture is of me in the AT lab (Assistive Technology, we do projects there that help members of the community who have disabilities and other needs...it's fun and it also counts for volunteer hours for my IDT class) up on campus. Yesterday a couple of my friends and I helped make wooden puzzles there. We made fifteen of them. If I get a chance, I'll take a picture of one of them when they're all painted and finished up.
Last week some great girls from my ward and I went out to dinner after the Leadership Broadcast. From right to left it's Becca, Tami, and me. As a funny side note, Tami is my wonderful Visiting Teaching Supervisor and the other day I was over at her house working with her to rearrange Visiting Teaching, when we heard a knock at the door. Tami got up, went to the door, and opened it to reveal the Elders.
Tami and I are in a singles ward, so the Elders were tracting all the houses in the family ward's neighborhood that weren't listed in their directory, and Tami's happened to be one of them. They began their door approach and we couldn't help grinning a little. They must have caught our smiles, because one of the elders asked: "Are you LDS?" Tami replied, "Well, I'm the Visiting Teaching Coordinator, [then pointing to me] and she's the Relief Society President in the singles ward we attend, so yep, I'd say we're LDS."
It's just one of those funny moments that makes me smile!
YEA for fun! I am so glad you had a good time! You would think the elders in Utah would frequently start out with "are you LDS" whenever they go tracting.
Have fun as often as you can! I'd love to see what those puzzles look like!
It's strange that they even tract in Utah.
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