Today my 8:00 am client came, and I just can't describe how cute she is. Every session we work on narratives for a part of the time, and today I was focusing on teaching her how to start a story. Good stories start with a good description of the character involved and where the character lives, or in other words the setting needs to be described well.
So, in order to convey this to my client, we began by looking at a flower. My idea was to elicit various descriptions from her that could describe the flower. I thought we'd talk about where the flower lives and what the colors it had on it, and really basic simple descriptions.
This is how it really started:
K: What are some words we can use to describe this flower?
A: The flower is SO CUTE! (I would have bet someone a million dollars that this would be her first description, it is her favorite adjective)
K: How else can we describe the flower?
A: It has pink fingernail polish.
K: Oh really? What are these called?
A: {Blank stare}
K: These are petals. What color are they?
A: Lellow!
K: That's right this flower has yellow petals. What other colors does it have?
A: It has pink fingernail polish!
K: Okay, {me pointing to the leaves} what are these?
A: A stem.
K: {Me pointing to the stem and then the leaves} Yes, this is a stem and these are leaves. What color are the leaves.
A: Green.
After continuing on in this manner for sometime....
K: Okay let's use all these words together to describe the flower. You start, use all the words we just talked about, to describe the flower.
A: {After a long pause} This flower is so cute and it has pink fingernail polish!
K: What else can we say about the flower, using the words that we just talked about?
A: {Blank stare}
She is the cutest little girl ever! And I had a hard time not cracking up every time she mentioned the fingernail polish. The picture above is the actual picture we used for our description practice. As you can clearly see, the flower has neither fingernails nor is it the color pink. I just love that little girls her age are always so obsessed with these things. Life would be far less entertaining if they weren't.